Our Services

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs more helping!

What we do

Empowering Communities for a Sustainable Future

PRO addresses the complexities of eradicating gender-based violence (GBV), rooted in patriarchal and cultural norms, advocating for the protection of women's rights.

PRO emphasizes the need to safeguard vulnerable children from harmful traditions like early pregnancy and marriage, recognizing child marriage as a hindrance to educational and economic opportunities, perpetuating poverty and gender inequality.

Collaborating with organizations like The Foundation For Civil Society and Benjamin Mkapa Foundation, PRO provides care and support to TB/HIV victims while focusing on community education on HIV/AIDS prevention and alcohol abuse, aiming to reintegrate affected individuals with their families and provide follow-up care.

Despite being a major food producer, PRO identifies food insecurity and poor nutrition as key issues, aiming to promote post-harvest food processing and storage, as well as nutritional awareness, especially for women and children.

PRO advocates for active citizen participation in decision-making processes to realize good governance, aiming to raise public awareness of civic rights and obligations to promote popular participation in public policy implementation and monitoring.

PRO focuses on empowering women, girls, youths, and persons with disabilities to fight income poverty by offering training on land rights and business skills, facilitating access to microfinance institutions for loans.

PRO stresses the importance of understanding climate change's impact on communities and advocates for environmental protection, while also supporting marginalized groups in conflict resolution and peace maintenance, recognizing peace as central to development processes.